Gov. Sonny Perdue recently signed into law a measure requiring a payment to be made with all requests for license hearings following an arrest for DUI in Georgia. Typically following an arrest for DUI in Georgia, the Department of Driver Services (DDS) will seek to administratively suspend a motorist’s driver’s license. The accused has the right to challenge the suspension by requesting an Administrative License Suspension (ALS) hearing. Effectively immediately, a filing fee of $150 must accompany a request for an ALS hearing.
Both the hearing request and the fee must be submitted to the DDS within 10 business days following an arrest for driving under the influence in Georgia. Failure to make the request on time or making the request but not including the filing fee would lead to the automatic suspension of license, with no opportunity for appeal.
The $150 fee is payable to the Georgia DDS, and personal checks are accepted.
Have you been arrested for a DUI in Georgia?